Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jared Diamond Blog

      In "why did Human History Unfold Differently On Different Continents For The Last 13,000 Years? by Jared Diamond, Diamond identifies major points on his beliefs on pattern of development in human history over the past 13,000 years. He begins by describing how different parts of the world were more advanced then others, such as the europeans being in the Iron Age and developing industrially while in Sub Saharan Africa most of the citizens were still farmers. This explains how some parts of the world were behind economically and industrially, because areas with higher advances early had a head start while other areas had to play "catch up".  He laters talks about how certain livestock that moved to Africa came from the Eurasian countries. This shows how nature played its part in differences and origin of different animals around the world. Africa also had to wait for different crops to grow in the region because the crop near the Mediterranean would not be able to grow in the African environment, so eventually the crops they grew could only be grown in the African environment. I believe this adds to the diversification of the different types of food that originated in these different areas due to the available crops and use of livestock.
      Diamond also had beliefs on what helped determine society's success. Some of the areas were, Science, efficiency of using resources, and region. I agree with his beliefs in all the areas, the more advanced a country is scientifically gives it a higher chance to discover a way to overcome human hardship and develop a way to increase life expectancy which directly correlates to advancing and increasing a society's population and future success. Resources and region fall into the same category for me because a country's region has direct affect on its resources. If one society has land with rich soil it will be more dependent on crops but if another has greater industrial resources it will be more reliant on industrial success. The differences help lead to trade and diversification of the use of the different resources among different societies.

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